Category: Erectile Dysfunction

What Really Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Age Erectile dysfunction is an age-related problem. The older the man, the more likely it is to meet difficulties in sex relations. However, everything is not so simple even in natural aging, when the level of male sex hormones decreases and a gradual decrease in sex life occurs, including libido and potency. A study by…

Rating of Most Popular ED Drugs for Better Men’s Health

Men’s health is one of the most important components of reproductive health and happy married life, so its problems should be treated with great responsibility and attention. Loss of erection, the development of erectile dysfunction lead to serious changes in the mood, psychological state. This pathology should be treated with various means in complex therapy,…

15 Foods That Help Your Sexual Life

Male power is a fragile thing, various factors can weaken it: stress, ecology, fatigue. But there is good news – to improve men’s health, you can use a special diet. Male potency can be seriously affected by various reasons: psychological discomfort, age, prolonged abstinence, stress, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits. Of course, to improve erection,…

Various Ways, Which Will Help Keep Male Power For A Long Time

In a perfect world, no one has ever heard about the problems of an intimate nature, but, alas, in our dimension, the risk of encountering them is much higher than we would like. Fortunately, reduced libido can be increased, and poor potency can be improved. Even if you do not complain about your sexual health…

How to Prolong Male Sexual Life and Make Man Act in Any Age Like Young?

Did you know that two out of nine men suffer from erection problems? After 40 years, every third representative of a strong half of mankind has ever experienced impotence or erectile dysfunction (ER). Unfortunately, the older the man, the greater the chances of the disease. It is necessary to take care of your health in…

Sexual Activity and How It Differs for Men of Different Age?

Most women are convinced that men have the same needs in sexual relationships. This opinion is wrong. Every man’s desires are special. The views of men on this subject depend on their age category. How does male sexuality change depending on age and what to expect in bed from your lover when he turns 20,…

Support of Lifestyle Which Will Help to Have Long Sexual Life

Some products can increase male potency. However, all people are different and there are other factors: the psychological comfort of each person, age, periods of sexual abstinence and others. With age, the chance to face a weaker erection increases for objective reasons. However, today this problem occurs in many young men due to stress, work,…

What is Male Power and Why a Man Needs It in the Modern Life?

Reproductive function is considered to be “male power” and it directly depends on the general state of human health: the cardiovascular system, prostate health, normal cholesterol levels, adequate muscle mass. In addition, hormonal balance is particularly important. It is no secret that men are experiencing troubles in sexual life very painful. Nothing beats their self-esteem…

Things You Need to Avoid if You Don’t Want to Ruin Your Intimate Life!

If you are not always ready for battle, this does not mean that something is wrong with you. There is, of course, a social stereotype that a healthy man should certainly have a lot of sex, otherwise life would not work out. In fact, everything is more complicated, the natural level of libido in different…

Sports for Male Potency: Specific Physical Exercises and Contraindications

Every man wants to be sexually strong and fully enjoy life at any age. Sport helps to make the body physically stronger. Sport and potency are interrelated. It has long been proven that professional sport has a negative effect on male power, while non-professional occupations improve potency. You need to choose a middle ground and…